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Spring Flower Highlight: Lilacs

So far I’ve tried to pick spring flowers that might be new to some gardeners such as Bloodrot and Snowdrop Anemone. But here’s a flower that almost everyone will recognize and one of the prettiness and most fragrant spring flowers, the Lilac. Continue reading below for tips of growing this absolutely wonderful spring shrub.
Plant Lilac Shrubs in full sun areas with rich well-draining soil. Shrubs should be spaced 5-15 feet apart depending on the size of variety. They are best planted the previous fall but planting in the spring works too. Just don’t expect brilliant flowers until the next spring.
·      Apply a layer of mulch and/or compost every spring to prevent weeds and keep soil cool
·      Don’t overwater Lilacs, they will not bloom well if overwatered
·      Don’t over fertilize as this will also hinder blooms
·      Apply lime and or/ash to base of plant after done blooming and cover with a layer of compost
·      Prune as needed but only in the spring right after blooms. Trim old wood down to the base of the plant
·      Be wary of slugs
Interesting Facts
·      Purple Lilacs represent first love, white represent youthful innocence
·      There are over 1,000 varieties
·      Lilac flowers are edible and make a great garnish
·      It is the State Flower of New Hampshire
·      Lilac wood is very strong and is used to make instruments, furniture, knife handles, etc.
·      One of the most common flowers used in soaps and perfumes
·      They can live over 100 years
·      Lilacs were in George Washington and Thomas Jefferson's colonial gardens


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