Unlike Marigolds, our last installment, Yellow Trillium is a
true spring flower. The beautiful ivory colored flowers reveal themselves in
early spring and die back around June. These beautiful symmetrical flowers have
marbled foliage which makes it stand out from the crowd. Keep reading below for
tips about growing this beautiful perennial.
Yellow Trillium comes in many varieties which are suited to
different regions. Giant Trillium for instance grows well in western
mountainous states. Be sure you pick variety that is well suited to your zone.
Trillium is difficult to propagate from seed and therefore is generally sold as
bulbs. Plant bulbs 3-4 inches deep in nutrient rich soil. Trillium likes moist
soil and well shaded areas. It pairs well with other shade loving flowers and
has few pests or diseases to worry about.
Add compost to soil when planting Trillium but
no need to fertilize
Keep soil moist and make sure to plant in a sun
dappled area without direct sunlight
Trilliums like alkaline soil, so adding lime or
ash once a season will be beneficial
Trilliums don’t have many natural pests to worry
Interesting Facts
There are over 40 varieties of Trillium
Trilliums are also known as Trinity Flowers
because of their three-petaled flower
Trilliums are a sign of modest beauty
Ants are attracted to Trillium seeds and help
propagate the seeds by carrying them back to their nests
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