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Spring Cleaning Preparation Tips

Spring cleaning might not be something you spend time preparing for. Most of us are aware of the impending responsibility of spring cleaning but if you’re anything like I was, procrastination is your friend. After buying my first home, I knew I’d have to be proactive if I wanted to accomplish all the chores involved in spring cleaning while maintaining my busy work schedule. I tried to harken back to my days at University around finals time when planning and time management was a must. Using some of these tried and true strategies, I’ve put together a list of tips to help prepare for the equally dreaded challenge of spring cleaning.
1.     First Things First
When I purchased my first home there was so much that needed to be done it was overwhelming. However, some things were much more urgent. When spring cleaning time rolls around, take a deep breath and make a list of the top priorities for your home. Put the big and most important jobs first and work your way down to the more benign chores.

2.     Have the Stuff
Before diving into your spring cleaning, make sure you have all the right cleaning supplies and equipment. For most items, this is as simple as checking your cleaning supply cabinet and making an errand to the store. However, bigger items like carpet cleaners, garden machinery, painting equipment, etc. may have to be arranged ahead of time. Most home improvement stores will rent job specific tools and machinery. Therefore, look into renting expensive equipment that you may rarely use otherwise.

3.     Make Appointments Ahead of Time
The spring is a very busy time for cleaning and home renovation projects. I learned this the hard way when I had to wait nearly two months for a fairly simple carpet installation job. If you need to hire professionals to do any cleaning or renovations make sure you do it well ahead of time during the spring months.

4.     Give Yourself Time
            I find it helpful to set aside a whole day or weekend which is devoted to your task. Start early,             make sure you’re prepared ahead of time and commit to the task and I think you’ll find this             takes some of the stress out of spring cleaning. 
5.     Make Your Environment as Comfortable as Possible

The chances are if you need to do a lot of spring cleaning your space may not be best suited for a stress free and calming environment. However, do everything you can to set the mood. Maybe this means making some coffee and a good music playlist to listen to while you clean. If you can multitask, maybe you can set up your Netflix cue for inspiring home or garden programs. Whatever the case, make sure your set the mood for cleaning!



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