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Early Spring Garden Necessities

With spring just around the corner, now is the time to start preparations to your garden. Below I’ll give the eager gardener some advice to keep you garden flourishing all season. 

Prep Garden Beds

One of the first things you should do when the snow begins to melts is to prep your soil. Work in composted material such as well-rotted leaves, manure, or other nutrient heavy material. Use a till to work in the compost material but don’t overwork the soil.


If you didn’t prune your fruit trees in the late fall or winter the early spring might be you last chance to encourage blossoming fruit. Generally, prune in the winter to encourage growth and the summer to inhibit growth. 

Start Your Seedlings

This is a great time to get a head start on your seedlings. Do some basic research on your seedlings see when the best time to plant is in your area. 

Hardy Vegetables

In most areas this is a good time to start hardy vegetables like onions, artichokes, peas, rhubarb, asparagus, some lettuces, and more. 

Clean Out Garden

This is the perfect time to clean, organize, and plan your soon to be flourishing garden. If haven’t already, clean dead plants and weeds from garden beds. Most of this should already be done the previous fall and composted for the following spring but it’s never too late. Organize you pots, seeds, seedlings, and garden equipment and decide what you might need to purchase for the approaching season. Decide where you might be starting garden beds if you haven’t already. It may be helpful to chart the suns cycle in your area. Be very specific where you plant. Certain crops like berries need plenty of shade, whereas tomatoes need full sun. 


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