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Why Choose Single Hung Windows: The Basics

You may not notice it all the time but windows play a crucial part in your daily life. When you have a window that doesn’t work properly, the air and ambience inside the house is affected. Therefore, it is important to know and understand how windows work.

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In this blog series, we would like to show you the basics and advantages of the different types of windows. We believe that once you have an idea of what works and what doesn’t, it will help you decide which window type is best for your need.
Let’s start!
Single Hung Windows
You might already be familiar with how a single hung window works. But just to refresh your mind, a single hung window is the type of window which opens by sliding the bottom sash up. It is called single hung since only one sash moves while the other side is stationary.
This is no longer a common window type nowadays but there are still some who prefers this design. So let’s see what are the advantages and disadvantages of using this window design.
Since only one sash is operable in a single hung window, the price of this type of window is relatively less than the other variety with two functioning sashes. So if you are somehow in a tight budget, a single hung window might be something that you will be looking at. After all, construction projects really usually rely on the budget, doesn’t it?
One may argue on this point, but since single hung windows only have one operable sash, there is less chance of failure in the locking system of the window. It would also be easier to close and lock the window since you only have to think of that one sash to close and lock.
Energy Efficiency
Single hung windows are perfect for those homeowners who want to save on energy cost. Since it only has one movable part, single hung windows limits the amount of air that comes in and goes out of the house. This means that you can spend less on heating and cooling expenses all throughout the year.
The life span of a window actually depends on the materials used. Frames and sashes made from wood tend to have shorter life span compared to those made with fiberglass and vinyl.
When cleaning a single hung window, you can remove the movable part of the window. However, it is a challenge to clean the stationary part especially from the outside. This is the downside of using this type of window.
Single hung windows limit the amount of air that can get inside the house. This means that this type of window is not ideal for those who would want to have an airy ambience in the house. There is a small amount of air that can pass through this window type compared to the other variety.
Single Hung is cost efficient, energy efficient and have higher security factor compared to the other types of windows. However, its limited functionality and difficulty in cleaning could be a reason for homeowners to decline this window type.

To shop for single hung windows, check our website We have a variety of designs and materials to choose from which would definitely be perfect for your house.


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