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To Rust or NOT to Rust

In the rank of the major house-wrecking elements in the world, rust would definitely be in the top three. If the Greeks have the big three, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, the home-damaging elements definitely have their own – rust, molds and termites. The ranking might not be in that order, but they’re definitely the scariest to deal with.

Window, Old, Install Window, Old Window
We talked about molds and termites and how to avoid them. Now, let us help you in dealing with your rust problems.
Just like molds and termites, the greatest contributing factors in the formation of rust are moisture and dirt. These elements, when left unattended, can easily transform into rust when on metal. This causes deterioration in the quality of the metal and will eventually cause breakage when not attended immediately.
We know that rust means trouble and we don’t want you to suffer the pain of rust on your metal window frames, doors and other parts of your house. Here are some tips on how to prevent rust from clinging and causing damage to your house.
Rust – How does it form?
To be able to stop rust from spreading and even starting in the first place, we have to understand why rust happens. Rust is a chemical reaction when iron combines with oxygen in the air. The exposure of iron to oxygen creates an entirely different element iron oxide or in layman’s term, rust.
In simple terms, rust form through moisture in metal and alloys. And now that we know how rust forms, we can then study further how to stop it from developing.
Cleaning and Drying
This is very basic. One of the reasons why moisture sticks into an area is because of the dirt that stays and sticks in certain parts of the house. In windows, for example. Most window frames are made of steel. And they have the constant exposure to moisture especially during winter and rainy seasons.
If windows stay wet and left unclean after the rainy seasons, there is definitely a huge possibility of rust to develop and start eating the metal frames of your windows. Therefore we highly advise regular cleaning and drying of any metal surface, particularly those that are always exposed to moisture.
Protecting the Surface of Metal Areas
Naked metal is very open to rusting. It is as exposed as it can get. Without any other coat or any shield protecting the surface of the metal, rust can grow quickly and before you know it, it must have spread all over your windows, doors and house already.
Once you see paints peeling off your metal window frames and other parts of your house, immediately consider repainting before rust can start to develop on it.
When repainting, consider using rust-proof paints. You can also consider applying rust-resistant resin and zinc coating for those moving parts since you cannot paint on them.
Always clean the metal properly before applying the paint or any other coating on your metal. Dust or other elements left on the metal can cause the paint to crack and easily peel off.
Remember – Do not paint over rust. Without cleaning and scraping off the corrosion before applying the paint, it will be in vain. The metal will continue to deteriorate unless the rusted area is properly cleaned and removed.
Yes, rust trouble is a pain. But it can easily be avoided if you follow the precautionary measures advised above.

For more cleaning and maintenance tips, visit


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